Monday, August 26, 2024


The more I hear it, the more it hurts my ears. 

"It was shooting fine. Then it started jamming."
"Every other round, it jams."
"After I fire the first round, it jams."
"When I release the slide/bolt, it jams."

A "jam" is a very general term for a malfunction. Usually, when someone is describing a problem with how their firearm is functioning, they will use the term "jam," after which I quickly interupt them with a request for clarification to help me narrow down the possible sources of the problem.

There are 4 general categories of malfunctions:

FAILURE TO FIRE - the hammer falls, but the firearm fails to ignite the primer in the cartridge and fire the bullet. Usually a problem with either the firing pin, too much headspace, or bad ammunition. THIS IS IMPORTANT: If you hear a "pop", but the gun did not fire, there could be a 

FAILURE TO EXTRACT - after firing, the firearm fails to pull the fired cartridge case from the chamber. Often a poorly fitted or broken extractor, a dirty chamber, or a malformed or improperly sized cartridge case. In semi-auto rifles and shotguns, a gas system problem can cause extraction issues as well. Reloads that have been reshaped multiple times can cause the case have been known to lose the ability to rebound after the pressure of firing expands the case, causing it to get stuck in the chamber.

FAILURE TO EJECT - the firearm fails to fling an extracted case out of the receiver. Can be caused by a broken or missing ejector, or a poorly fitted extractor that does not hold the case against the breech face of the bolt long enough for it to strike the ejector properly. In semi-auto rifles and shotguns, a gas system problem can also cause this malfunction.

FAILURE TO FEED - when closing a bolt on a rifle or shotgun, or releasing a slide on a pistol, either the next round in the magazine is completely missed, is pushed only partially out of the magazine, or binds and gets stuck before being pushed all the way into the chamber. This malfunction has a few more causes originating from many possible sources, and can be more difficult to pin down.  Sometimes this is a problem with the magazine - bend or misaligned lips of the magazine, with where the magazine sits in relation to the bolt face and/or the feed ramp, how the follower positions the round, or a follower spring that applies too much or too little pressure. There could also be machine marks or burs on the feed ramp or around the entrance to the chamber or on the breech face or on the extractor that snag the brass case. A poorly fitted extractor can also prevent a round from feeding properly. In older firearms, modern ammunition dimensions may not be as close to those of the ammunition the firearm was designed to fire. A common example is older 1911A1 pistols and jacketed hollow point (JHP) ammunition. When John Browning designed the 1911 pistol, it was for military use with the 45 ACP full metal jacket (FMJ) round, before JHP was ever developed. Many of the 1911's manufactured today, use the same design and can have problems feeding JHP ammunition reliably.

So if you experience a malfunction with a firearm, consider whether you are experiencing a Failure to Fire, a Failure to Extract, a Failure to Eject, or a Failure to Feed. It will make describing the problem to your Gunsmith or warranty repair facility much more efficient, and it will increase your own knowledge of how your firearm functions.

Monday, July 1, 2024




Mossberg discovered a potential safety issue with certain Mossberg International Model SA-410 Shotguns which may lead to personal injury and/or damage to the shotgun. Mossberg voluntarily initiated a recall to protect the safety of its customers because if a user prematurely releases a shotshell while loading or unloading, the unretained shotshell could potentially contact the Bolt Lock Button inside the loading port and detonate.


Navigate to the recall website located at      Check to see if your SA-410 is affected by entering its serial number and click, “Check Serial Number”. If your SA-410 is affected, a message will appear asking you to follow the instructions provided to ensure that the SA-410 in question is returned for an upgrade.  

Friday, May 10, 2024


 The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the professional association for Firearms Retailers and Range Operators, is launching a week long event in September dedicated to educating firearms owners about proper storage options aimed at preventing access by unauthorized and/or unqualified individuals.  No lawful firearm owner ever wants their firearms to become a tool used for criminal activity, or worse, a instrument of tragic loss of life.  So taking time to review how their firearms and ammunition are stored is a inherent responsibility all firearm owners should take seriously. Keeping our firearms secure is the barrier that that can prevent a life altering tragedy.

The event is scheduled to kick off the week of September 1 thru 7, 2024. But why wait until September? Visit the NSSF Gun Storage Check Website today!

Saturday, January 27, 2024


Whether you’re inspecting your own gun or looking to purchase a used revolver, one critical functional aspect to check is the timing. In the comprehensive guide linked below, prepared by The Custom Shop in Hamilton, Montana, they walk you through the step-by-step process of inspecting the timing on a revolver, ensuring its reliability and safety.

Timing refers to the synchronization of the revolver’s cylinder rotation with the hammer and trigger mechanism. A revolver with proper timing ensures that the cylinder aligns correctly with the barrel, allowing for accurate and safe firing.


The Custom Shop also produced a video with one of their gunsmiths demonstrating the process on a Colt Python. 


A word of caution here: while most recent production revolvers (post-1960) have trigger, cylinder and hammer systems that are similar, how they operate may differ slightly, and pre-1960 revolvers often have systems that have been abandoned for modern applications, so correcting timing issues is something you should leave to a qualified gunsmith.

Friday, December 22, 2023


This article was written by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). I believe it contains some very good information, so I'm passing it along with FULL CREDIT to the NSSF as the original authors. 


With gift-buying season upon us, it’s natural for gun owners who enjoy target shooting, hunting, collecting or just plain plinking to want to share their enjoyment of firearms with others. What better way to do that than to gift a firearm to a family member, close friend or relative?

The first thing to remember if you’re thinking about giving someone a gun is that ownership of a firearm brings with it serious responsibilities and legal obligations that other consumer products do not. So, let’s look at some questions you may have about giving a firearm as a gift.

Consider a Gift Card

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) recommends that if you want to give someone a new firearm, rather than going to a gun store, buying it on your own and giving it to, say, your father, consider instead purchasing a gift certificate from that retailer and giving it to dad as his present. That way he’ll get the exact gun he wants, and there’s no question about who is “the actual buyer of the firearm,” which is a question any purchaser must certify on the federal ATF Form 4473 at the time of purchase.

Buying a Gun as a Gift

Let’s assume, however, you do not want to give a gift card because you want to give “Old Betsy,” your favorite old deer rifle, to your son or daughter or you want to see the joy on their face when they unwrap their present. The first question you then must ask is whether the intended recipient can legally own a firearm at all. Remember, you can never, under any circumstances, transfer a firearm to someone you know — or have reasonable cause to believe — cannot legally own or possess onone. Doing so is a federal felony, so be careful.

Ever since January 1, 1899, antique firearms are generally exempt from a transfer requiring a background check. But be safe and check with your retailer or local law enforcement before you hand over your prized possession.

The next question is whether the person can own the gifted firearm where he or she lives. With more than 20,000 different gun laws on the books, even the kinds of firearms that law-abiding citizens can own vary from place to place. For example, juveniles (under age 18), generally speaking, are precluded by law from possessing a handgun, and some states restrict certain types of firearms and magazine sizes. Check out the ATF website for an overview of local laws or contact your state’s attorney general’s office.

It is legal to purchase a firearm from a licensed firearm retailer that you intend to give as a gift. There’s no law that prohibits a gift of a firearm to a relative or friend who lives in your home state. However, whether you purchase a new firearm or want to gift a gun you already own, keep in mind that some states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington State) and the District of Columbia require you to transfer a firearm through a local licensed firearm retailer so an instant background check will be performed to make sure the recipient is not legally prohibited from owning the gun. Maryland and Pennsylvania require a background check for a private-party transfer of a handgun. There are exceptions*, so it’s important to carefully check the law of your state or ask your local firearm retailer.

[*In New Mexico, for example, a background check is required on “sales” of firearms—those transferred for a fee or other consideration—but not when a person transfers ownership of a firearm without compensation or exchanging anything of value.]

If the person you want to give the gift of a firearm to does not reside in the same state as you, then under federal law you have to ship the firearm to a licensed firearm retailer in the state where the recipient lives who can transfer the firearm after a background check.

Shipping a Firearm

You can only ship a handgun by common carrier (Like FedEx or UPS, but NOT by U.S. mail) and a long gun (Rifle or Shotgun) by U.S. mail or common carrier to a federally licensed retailer, but not to a non-licensed individual in another state. With all carriers, federal law requires you to declare that your package contains an unloaded firearm. To be safe, always consult your carrier in advance about its regulations for shipping firearms.

Giving a Gun as a Gift

As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider when making a gift of a firearm to ensure you do it properly. Using a gift certificate from a firearm retailer near where the gift recipient lives might be the best solution in order to avoid legal pitfalls and state law variations.

It’s often an emotional moment when a treasured family heirloom is passed down to the next generation. These moments are part of what our cherished enjoyment of firearms is all about and represent that unique bond that sportsmen and sportswomen have with their fellow enthusiasts.

So, enjoy the holidays and do it right!

Safety Reminders for New Gun Owners

If you’re gifting a firearm this holiday season, make sure the recipient knows the essentials of safe firearm handling and secure storage, especially if they’re first-time gun owners or have children at home. Explore Project ChildSafe® resources for new gun owners.


Thanks the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) for sharing this information with the entire firearms community. If you are in the firearms industry professionally, consider joining the NSSF.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


Henry Repeating Arms recently discovered a safety issue affecting certain lever action .45-70 Gov’t rifles manufactured during the period from December 14, 2022, through January 11, 2023. Henry voluntarily initiated a recall to address the issue and protect the safety of its customers.

To prevent the possibility of death or serious personal injury, you should immediately stop using all Henry Repeating Arms lever action .45-70 rifles and not load or fire them until determining whether the rifle is subject to this recall.

The Issue & Fix:

Under certain conditions, it is possible that some of these rifles may unintentionally discharge without the trigger being pulled if the hammer is released or dropped from the cocked position. Henry has identified the cause of the issue as firing pins that may not meet specifications and is replacing the firing pin to correct it.

Models Affected:

The list of models affected by this recall includes: H010G, H010GAW, H010GAWP, H010GCC, H010X, H024-4570.

To determine whether your specific Henry lever action .45-70 is subject to this recall, navigate to the following website:

Scroll to the bottom of that page, enter your serial number in the box, ensuring you’ve entered the correct letters and numbers, and select [LOOK UP] to see if your firearm is affected.

According to Henry Repeating Arms, your firearm is not subject to this recall if you obtained it before December 2022, or if looking up you serial number returns that your rifle is not affected.

Actions To Take:

Confirm whether or not your firearm is affected by inputting your serial number as indicated above. If your firearm is not affected, no further action is needed.

If your firearm is affected, continue filling out the form to submit a recall service request. Once approved, you will receive a prepaid return shipping label and further instructions.

After your firearm is serviced with a replacement firing pin, Henry Repeating Arms will send a $50 eGift card for 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023


When considering replacement of the iron sights on your pistol or rifle, there are some measurements differences you must be aware of to prevent frustrating mistakes when placing orders. 

Likewise, when adjusting iron sights, understanding which direction to move front and rear sights to achieve the desired aim point can be confusing to new and seasoned shooters, alike.

The first thing to understand is that sight height is measured differently on pistols than it is on rifles. The height of pistol front sights is measued from the top of the slide to the top of the sight. This differs significantly from rifles where front sight height is measured from the bottom of the dovetail to the top of the sight. 

So, now you have your new sights, they are the correct height, and have been installed on your firearm. But when shooting at your target, you notice the point of impact is low and too far to the right. Which way should you move your sight to correctly move the point of impact?

Most firearms make sight adjustments by moving the rear sight. When adusting rear sights, you move the sight in the same direction you want the point of impact to move. In the above example, you want the point of impact to come up and move to the left. So, when adjusting the rear sight, you want to raise the front sight and move it to the left.

Some firearms (i.e. AK-47) make sight adjustments by moving only the front sight. Using the same example above, to accomplish the same point of impact correction, the movement of the sight is exactly opposite of what is done with rear sights. To move the point of impact up and left, the front sight must be moved right and down.